Beekeeping & Wildlife Supplies, Cornwall, South West UK

Beeswax Candle, Medium, Single


Prices Include VAT (if applicable)
Product Description
Pure Beeswax candle approx. 1 inch thick, 8 inches high.
Of course, this can be used as a candle but they are often purchased to use for securing beeswax foundation starter strips to frames and top bars.
For either use case make sure to prime the candle wick when first lighting it to prevent the wick from burning.
To prime, light the wick and immediately invert the candle for a couple of seconds so the first molten beeswax soaks into the wick.
Similarly, for using to secure beeswax foundation, invert the candle to about 45 degrees and drip molten beexwax in the required place, slowly rotating the candle so the candle melts evenly.