Beekeeping & Wildlife Supplies, Cornwall, South West UK

About Us

'Making Spaces for Nature'

Heather Bell Honey Bees Ltd is a family run business.
Established in 1999, we have now been trading for over 25 years.

We supply a large choice of bee hives (including the widest range of National bee hive equipment in the U.K.) together with equipment and honey bee colonies for every scale of beekeeper from beginners and back garden beekeepers to larger scale bee farmers.
Many items are our own design, based on research and development over decades of practical experience.

As well as supplying everything needed for beekeepers and their bees we are also professional bee farmers, bee breeders and members of the Bee Farmers' Association.
We have passed on thousands of honey bee colonies, providing consultancy to help others start beekeeping and establish and expand their own apiaries.

Besides beekeeping, we are also passionate about the wider natural environment so we also supply wildlife habitats and nest boxes to conservation organisations, government agencies, schools and farmers.
We also started our own conservation initiative, the Bees Field Project.
This is a restoration and rewilding of agricultural land back to a haven for natural wildlife and wildflowers including an ongoing tree planting plan and wildlife habitat provision.

At Heather Bell Honey Bees Ltd, we believe that nurturing bees goes hand in hand with cultivating a healthier planet.
Join the mission to protect these vital pollinators and promote biodiversity. Learn more here.

"What's in a name?"

Heather Bell

The Cornish Heath or Lizard Heath, Erica vagans is regarded by some as the "national" flower of Cornwall.
It is a very localised wildflower, a type of heather, almost exclusively found in our part of Cornwall and very popular with our bees.
In summer it is covered in spikes of small, pink (and more rarely, white), bell shaped flowers, sometimes known as heather bells from which we take our name.

Beekeeping Books

Learn more about keeping bees. We recommend reading as much as you can.

New & Used Beekeeping Books